I set up a collaboration tool for a new Data Science team that allows everyone to share their work and use the computational resources efficiently. I'm a Data Scientist, my background is from Computer Engineering and I wear many hats! It was initially hard for me to know where to start but I got good references from the Internet. Eventually, I ended up with JupyterHub for my team! I jotted down some notes during my installation and thought to share with others. I hope it may help someone. I installed the JupyterHub initially on Cent OS and we migrated to Red Hat server. The following steps is applicable for both Cent OS and Red Hat. Check sudo access. You should have sudo access because we are going to serve JupyterHub via sudo user account. Download Anacoda distribution that comes with default packages and libraries. Anacond5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh is the latest one while I'm writing this blog. Install the Anaconda at /opt/anaconda3 location. Command to run: ...