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JupyterHub setup on Cent OS or Red Hat server

I set up a collaboration tool for a new Data Science team that allows everyone to share their work and use the computational resources efficiently. I'm a Data Scientist, my background is from Computer Engineering and I wear many hats!

It was initially hard for me to know where to start but I got good references from the Internet. Eventually, I ended up with JupyterHub for my team!

I jotted down some notes during my installation and thought to share with others. I hope it may help someone. I installed the JupyterHub initially on Cent OS and we migrated to Red Hat server. The following steps is applicable for both Cent OS and Red Hat.
  1. Check sudo access. You should have sudo access because we are going to serve JupyterHub via sudo user account. 
  2. Download Anacoda distribution that comes with default packages and libraries. is the latest one while I'm writing this blog.
  3. Install the Anaconda at /opt/anaconda3 location. Command to run:
  4. sudo bash
  5. Install npm, nodejs and configurable-http-proxy.
  6. sudo bash yum install npm nodejs
    sudo npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
  7. Optional: Upgrade JupyterHub if you are reinstalling.
  8. sudo /opt/anaconda3/bin/pip install --upgrade jupyterhub
  9. Install SudoSpawner that enables JupyterHub to spawn single-user servers without being root. Please check SudoSpawner github link for more information.
  10. sudo /opt/anaconda3/bin/pip install git+
  11. Create sudo user without password to serve the JupyterHub.
  12. sudo useradd rhea
  13. Add SudoSpawner to the sudoers file.
    1. Edit sudoer file,
      sudo visudo
    2. Add below lines to the file
      1. Defaults secure_path=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/anaconda3/bin
      2. Cmnd_Alias JUPYTER_CMD=/opt/anaconda3/bin/sudospawner
      3. rhea ALL=(%jupyterhub)NOPASSWD:JUPYTER_CMD
  14. PAM configuration. For more details, please check JupyterHub wiki
    1. sudo groupadd shadow
      sudo chgrp shadow /etc/shadow
      sudo chmod g+r /etc/shadow
      sudo usermod -a -G shadow rhea
    2. To run Jupyter Hub in port 80,
    3. sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/bin/node
    4. Check permissions for non-root users. NOTE: rhea should not be added to wheel group. 
      1. ls -l /etc/shadow
        If you don't see read write permission then set one by running
        sudo chmod g+rw /etc/shadow
  15. JupyterHub configuration,
    1. Create a separate directory to maintain JupyterHub configuration file, SSL certificate and key file.
      1. sudo mkdir /etc/jupyterhub
        sudo chown rhea /etc/jupyterhub
        cd /etc/jupyterhub/
      2. Generate JupyterHub config file, 
      3. sudo -u rhea /opt/anaconda3/bin/jupyterhub --generate-config
      4. Generate SSL certificate and key file,
      5. sudo -u rhea openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout jhubk.key -out jhubc.pem
      6. Edit JupyterHub config file and add the below lines,
        1. c.Authenticator.admin_users = {'admin1','admin2'} # Jupyter Hub administrators username. Only these users can stop and start servers of other users, and JupyterHub server itself from the browser
        2. c.JupyterHub.ip = 'xxx.xx.xx.xx' # Add your server IP address
        3. c.JupyterHub.port = 8888 # Port number you want to server JupyterHub
        4. c.JupyterHub.ssl_cert = '/etc/jupyterhub/jhubc.pem'
        5. c.JupyterHub.ssl_key = '/etc/jupyterhub/jhubk.key'
        6. c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = 'sudospawner.SudoSpawner'
  16. Create JupyterHub users account. For example, to create admin1 account,
    1. sudo adduser admin1
      sudo passwd admin1
    2. If it is an administrator account, add it to wheel,
    3. sudo usermod -aG wheel admin1
  17. Create JupyterHub users group and add users to this group. Users who have account in the server level cannot access JupyterHub unless s/he is added to this users group.
    1. Create JupyterHub users group
    2. sudo groupadd jupyterhub
    3. To add "admin1" user to this group
    4. sudo usermod -a -G jupyterhub admin1
  18. Test sudo account rhea set up,
    1. sudo -u rhea sudo -n -u $USER sudospawner --help
    2. sudo -u rhea sudo -n -u $USER echo 'fail'
    3. The above command should say something like
      sudo: a password is required
  19. Check if PAM is working,
    1. sudo -u rhea /opt/anaconda3/bin/python -c "import pamela, getpass; print(pamela.authenticate('$USER', getpass.getpass()))"
    2. The above command will ask you to provide password. You will get "None" once you entered your system password
  20. Open the port you entered in the JupyterHub config file if you haven't done previously
Let's serve the JupyterHub!!!
Run the below command to start the JupyterHub
sudo -u rhea /opt/anaconda3/bin/jupyterhub -f /etc/jupyterhub/

To run the start command as a background process, use below command.
nohup sudo -u rhea /opt/anaconda3/bin/jupyterhub -f &

Hope this helps. Please provide your comments if any.

Error and work around,

1. PAM session error. This error was not allowing to restart the JupyterHub. The work around was discussed in this github issue
Edit the PAM file, sudo vi /etc/pam.d/login . Comment the line if it is not commented already, #session required

2. If you get, failed to create PAM sessions error, github issue
Edit your JupyterHub config file and set, c.PAMAuthenticator.open_sessions = False

3. If you see, Proxy appears to be running at [] but I can't access it (HTTP 403: Forbidden)
Kill the proxy that is running currently, ps ax | grep proxy and kill the process

4. When you get 500 Page error not found
Check "rhea" account if it is added to wheel. If so, remove rhea user account from the wheel.


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